
Sensorium Corporation Joins Hong Kong Blockchain Association

Sensorium ArcSep 30, 2020
Sensorium Corporation is now officially a member of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (HKBA). This membership is a step forward for Sensorium Corporation to begin an exciting journey in the ever-evolving Asia Pacific region — a key market in the blockchain and VR space.
As the company approaches the public launch of its social VR platform Sensorium Galaxy in H1 2021, this membership will serve as a pillar to develop business partnerships, and boost awareness by channeling efforts through the region’s most influential industry leaders.
The rapid proliferation of 5G connectivity combined with a tech-savvy society make the Asia Pacific region a land of huge opportunities for VR products. As of 2019, this region has already dominated the global VR market with a share of 41.4%.
Sensorium Galaxy redefines the way people communicate and experience the arts through virtual reality and artificial intelligence. In a single immersive platform, users will be able to connect, interact, and participate in exciting activities developed in collaboration with the world’s leading artists, producers, and entertainment companies.
In a similar fashion to in-game currencies, all value transactions inside Sensorium Galaxy will be done in SENSO — an ERC-20 token developed to function as a secure, transparent, and flexible currency for this ecosystem.
“At Sensorium Galaxy, we take the security of our users very seriously and that’s why we leveraged blockchain technology to create an in-platform currency that’s both secure and flexible. Since SENSO is built on top of the Ethereum network, the token is well-positioned for accessibility,” explains Brian Kean, Chief Communications Officer at Sensorium Corporation.
By becoming an active member of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association, Sensorium Corporation aims to spread the word about SENSO not only as an in-platform token, but also as a successful case of leveraging blockchain technology to increase transparency in the gaming, social media, and digital entertainment sectors.
Founded in 2018, HKBA is an organization focused on developing long-lasting connections between respected players of the blockchain industry in China and the entire world. Through a series of industry-relevant activities, HKBA promotes education, use cases, and best practices related to blockchain technology and its endless opportunity to elevate efficiency across sectors.

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